"We already know this!" The joy of success and new learning is evident in workshop studies
The first students of the Diploma in General Nursing outside the EU/EEA project´s training began their qualification studies in the spring, consisting of theoretical studies and work placement in addition to workshop training. In workshops, nurses have the opportunity to showcase their skills and update them to align with the latest Finnish practices. In the workshops, nurses also have the opportunity to simulate real patient situations, where, in addition to practicing clinical skills, aspects such as communication with patients and colleagues need to be considered. Workshops provide a safe environment where students can practice and receive feedback before transitioning to actual workplace settings.

In the initial workshops, basic caregiving techniques were practiced, such as patient hygiene and assistance with meals. Additionally, procedures like inserting a nasogastric tube and urinary catheter were practiced. Some nurses brought with them several years of diverse experience in nursing, which was reflected in their confident approach and creativity in more challenging situations. For instance, if a Finnish language word was forgotten, nonverbal communication was cleverly utilized. During the exercises, lively discussions arose within the group, and spontaneous feedback was given to each other. Despite several years having passed since working as a nurse, it was amusing to observe how manual skills had not been forgotten. 'It's like riding a bike. Once you learn it, it's not easily forgotten!
In the second workshop, fundamentals of medication management, cannulation, and various injections subcutaneously and intramuscularly were practiced. Everyone had the opportunity to take on both the roles of a patient and a nurse, fostering empathy towards patients: how a small needle prick can be so nerve-wracking, even though you know it hardly hurts at all! After injection exercises, the focus shifted to medication calculations, mixing antibiotics, and preparing electrolyte dilutions, which were then infused into a patient simulation doll. Modern safety caps and cannulas received admiration and astonishment for their convenience and their contribution to patient and occupational safety. The workshops will continue in the fall, delving into more challenging themes of medication management, pediatric nursing, internal medicine, and surgical nursing.
Lotta Tiikkainen, Lecturer, Laurea University of Applied Sciences