Study Materials for Nurses

This page lists various study materials to help you improve your Finnish language skills in the healthcare field and prepare for working in Finland. All materials are free.

Online Courses

  • Hoivaa suomeksi avautuu uudelle välilehdelle. – Taitotalo’s Finnish language course for the healthcare sector.
  • Opi hoitoalaa ja suomea avautuu uudelle välilehdelle. – Elma project’s course at Osaamisen paikka. This course helps you learn healthcare vocabulary and workplace skills.


Other Materials

  • Suomea hoitajille avautuu uudelle välilehdelle. – Hanna Aho’s Padlet board contains useful materials for nurses learning Finnish.
  • Akuuttihoitoa kolmella kielellä avautuu uudelle välilehdelle. – Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ dialogue guide supports language skills in acute care in Finnish, Swedish, and English.
  • Vinkkejä kielenoppimiseen avautuu uudelle välilehdelle. – On the Kielibuusti website, you will find advice on how to use your developing language skills at work and in everyday life.


The training has been funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.