

Welcome to the 'Sairaanhoitajaksi Suomessa' website – your guide to becoming a nurse in Finland.

This website provides comprehensive information for registered nurses coming to Finland from outside the EU and EEA. Here, you will find clear instructions on the different stages of the qualification process, obtaining the right to practice, and applying for qualification training. Additionally, the site offers useful self-study materials. You can also follow the progress of the qualification training and other current topics through the project's blog. 

Kuvassa on kannettavatietokone ja kansioita, joissa on papereita.

To work as a nurse in Finland, you need a professional license issued by Valvira. Additionally, nurses trained outside the EU and EEA must complete additional studies and demonstrate sufficient proficiency in Finnish or Swedish. Read more about this topic.

We have compiled free study materials to help you improve your Finnish language skills and prepare for working in the healthcare sector in Finland. Familiarize yourself with the materials.

Sairaanhoitajaksi Suomessa -hankkeen logo.

The “Continuing Professional Education for Nurses Granted with a Diploma in General Nursing Outside the EU/EEA” project aims to streamline the process for nurses from outside the EU and EEA to obtain work rights in Finland and adapt to the Finnish work environment. Read more about this topic.

The training has been funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.