Project overview

Sairaanhoitajaksi Suomessa -hanke pyrkii helpottamaan EU- ja ETA-maiden ulkopuolelta tulevien sairaanhoitajien mahdollisuuksia saada työoikeus Suomessa ja sopeutua suomalaiseen työympäristöön. Vuonna 2023 hankkeeseen valittiin yhteensä 125 sairaanhoitajaa, jotka täydensivät osaamistaan vuosina 20232024. The project includes nurses with eithera diplomaor a Bachelor's degree.

Project content

  • Information is collected on the skills assessment of nurses who have completed their education abroad and the most suitable methods for evaluation. The assessment considers the diploma, any additional education, work experience, and evidence of skills. Nurses have the opportunity to supplement their missing skills through training provided in the project. 
  • The learning of the Finnish language is promoted for nurses from outside the EU and EEA. The goal is to strengthen the oral and written Finnish language skills of participating nurses so that they can work as nurses in the Finnish social and healthcare system. 
  • Learning materials are produced as online courses for self-study in the Finnish language and the legislation, patient safety, and ethical principles of healthcare. Links to the training materials will be published in 2024. 
  • Guiding and supporting nurses from outside the EU and EEA in the application process for professional practice rights with Valvira. 
  • A recommendation is drafted to be utilized in the development of the national path for nursing qualification. 

Project implementation:

Toteutusaika: 1.8.202231.3.2025

The cooperative universities of applied sciences in the project are Laurea avautuu uudelle välilehdelle., OAMK avautuu uudelle välilehdelle., TAMK avautuu uudelle välilehdelle., TurkuAMK avautuu uudelle välilehdelle. and Savonia avautuu uudelle välilehdelle.. The project gets funding from the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment avautuu uudelle välilehdelle..

The final webinar

The final webinar of the Diploma in General Nursing outside the EU/EEA project was held on December 12, 2024. The webinar presented the project's outcomes, best practices, and recommendations for further development. Additionally, participants heard about the experiences of nurses undergoing the qualification and supplementary training processes. The webinar was specifically designed for experts working with the nursing qualification process or guiding nurses trained outside the EU/EEA on their career paths.


  • Welcome to the webinar – Opening remarks. Salla Seppänen, Director, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Goals of the Diploma in General Nursing outside the EU/EEA project and nurses in the qualification process. Lotta Tiikkainen, Project Manager, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Integrating Finnish language and clinical skills assessment. Kukka-Maaria Raatikainen, Savonia, & Sirpa Rajala and Mervi Rasilainen, Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • Supplementing Finnish language and clinical skills. Kirsi Myllykangas and Hanna Poussu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences
  • Information and guidance needs in the qualification process. Elina Räisänen, Nurse, Master's Degree Student in Advanced Clinical Nursing, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Workplace perspective: challenges, solutions, and future directions. Zeynep Niiranen, Specialist in Clinical Training, North Savo Wellbeing Services County
  • Internships in qualification studies. Johanna Kangaspunta & Johanna Granlund, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
  • Final discussion and closing remarks. Lotta Tiikkainen, Project Manager, Laurea University of Applied Sciences

We have compiled the webinar presentation materials into a single file, which you can download here. Sairaanhoitajaksi Suomessa -hankkeen loppuwebinaarista julkaistaan tekstitetty webinaaritallenne keväällä 2025. Esitysmateriaalit löytyvät myös webinaaritallenteen liitteistä.

Project publications

Map of the Universities of Applied Sciences offering the education

View Locations of Universities of Applied Sciences on the Map! Find the name, address, and website link of each university of applied sciences by clicking on the Nursing in Finland logos displayed on the map.

The training has been funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

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